to the garden!

Source Nutrition-leaf

I invite you to explore the
nourishing opportunities we
offer you to create a
rich and centered life of
vitality, balance and

Source Nutrition-leaf


Lynn Smith-Source Nutrition

It’s All Connected

The old adage, “you are what you eat” is so true. There is a direct correlation between your nutrition and every other aspect of your life – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

It is well known that unhealthy diet and lifestyle habits contribute to all of our chronic diseases. And it is by the same path, simple choices in diet and living, that replenish the body and its ability to repair, encouraging balance and healing on a deep level.

At Source Nutrition we offer a deep nourishment approach with holistic life coaching, functional nutrition, and mindfulness practices to enhance your healing and performance, sustain lasting change, and live a more conscious and awake life for whatever your aspirations may be.

We specialize in topics for women on spirituality and food, conscious living, mindful eating, and cultivating intuition through body awareness. Our services can help you create a personalized integrative and functional nutrition plan for overall wellness, anti-aging, depression and anxiety, addiction nutrition, digestive issues, gluten intolerance, and sports nutrition for runners and endurance athletes.

Our Programs

DietAlchemy Holistic Life Coaching
Work with a DietAlchemy holistic life coach for a truly mind-body-spirit approach and bring harmony and sacredness into your life. This is our most inner oriented “whole being” nourishment plan that looks at nourishment from all levels, physical, emotional, and spiritual. Discover the inner alchemy of nourishment—it’s more than your diet.

Sustainable Health Coaching
Optimize your health and resolve your symptoms with real food, holistic life coaching, mindfulness practices, and progressive alternatives in functional nutrition medicine.  Many symptoms resolve with deep nutrition, physical activity, and becoming more present with yourself and your own sense of what you need. Find out what will make the difference for you.

Sports Nutrition for Runners
Eat Better – Run, Swim, Bike Faster.  Learn practical and delicious ways to eat to enhance your energy, stamina, recovery and performance.  And learn the secrets of endurance nutrition. A great training program is only as good as the deep nutrition that sustains cellular and metabolic function and repair.

Eat Well for Sobriety
You won’t know how good you could feel until you’ve experienced the healing power of deep nutrition. Addiction nutrition is an almost completely ignored pillar of sobriety, yet cravings, depression, anxiety and insomnia can be symptoms of the past when you restore your body-mind-spirit with nutrient-dense meals, functional nutrition lab testing, mindfulness practices, and the support of recovery coaching.

Quality, nutrient dense food working together with a harmonious lifestyle that supports the economy of the body, fortifies the life force, rebuilds the bodies inner resources,  and brings a return to balance that promotes deep healing in the health of our organs.  This is essential for long term vitality and emotional resiliency. Ordinarily we don’t tend to think about what is “under the hood” unless something goes wrong.
Lynn Smith

People talk about holistic healing, but the real matter is holistic life. Once you find holistic life, you will have no need for holistic healing.
Murat Yagan